September 28th, 2023

Ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, I took part of a Fire Circle and Drumming with the UHNBC Drummers as part of EDUC 394. While I had never seen or been apart of drumming with the UHNBC Drummers, I have taken part in drumming before, in various places. The most recent was with a class while I was a TTUC last June. I found familiarity with some of the songs, and was able to sing right away when the drumming starts for a couple songs. There were still new songs I have never heard and was learning the words for the first time. It was the first time I ever experienced drumming outside and in the rain. This added to my experience, and it felt incredibly meaningful to be welcomed into learning the songs. Drumming outside in the rain, I found myself listening closely to the sound of the drum, trying to remember how the drums sounded when I drummed with the class back in May. I knew the tightness of the drum could change slightly depending on the weather, and change the sound of the drum from that. I wanted to see if I could hear it from memory, but found myself taking in the moment and looking around at everyone, thoughts of past experiences leaving my thoughts.

As for the fire circle, this was the first time I had properly taken part in one. I found that while I was listening to Clayton Gauthier’s words, my eyes were almost always looking for the fire. I found the fire grounding, something to focus on while I let Clayton Gauthier’s words sink in. The Fire Circle was a moment to remember that I am a tiny part of the larger, and that negative feelings can drag us all down and cause us and those around us harm. When it came time to throw something into the fire, I was able to write a word on a scrap of paper. “Judgement.” I wrote it and threw it into the fire to let of judgement of myself, but also of others. It was the thing that stuck out to me to let go of. I can be incredibly judgemental of myself and my efforts, but can be judgemental of my family members especially. I will continue to try and leave judgement behind me.