Growing Up/Outside the Ed Program

I grew being almost equally raised between my parents and both sets of my grandparents. One set who are Canadian by birth and one set who immigrated from Holland. I also have a little brother, who has always been a little bit silly. He is one of my favourite people. These are the pictures that best describe me and how I got to where I am today.

Smaller pictures can be clicked on to enlarge for better viewing.

When I met my grandparents.
4 generations of women in my mom’s family. Me, Mom, Oma and Great Oma.
From a young age my brother loved hockey (even if he didn’t have wearing the helmet figured out yet).
My family when my brother and I were very young.
Reading with our first family cat, Fuzzy.
One of the many hotel rooms I spent weekends in during hockey tournaments.
Smoking salmon with my dad. I have deboned fish and helped my dad smoke it for as long as I was able to. My dad did the same with his dad, who had learned to smoke fish when he lived in Yukon.
My team from my elementary school at Red Cedar. I was in the 7th grade and my team won the competition (much to our shock).
My grandparents left Canada only a handful of times, and this was one of them. We got lucky to know someone who let us use their condo in Maui so my grandparents, my brother and I could leave the country for the first time.
Getting a procedure done on my knee to help inflammation during a flare
A day after the procedure getting ready for my brother’s game.
Graduating high school, my Oma and Opa no longer with us but my Gramma and Grampa still there as two of my biggest supporters.
Two of my school friends and I on the swings of our elementary school before our Grade 12 Prom.
My familys two cats, Cheddar and Loki.
Watching my brother play when he was on the Nipawin Hawks.
My brother and I Kayaking, one of my favourite Summer activities.
Graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in May 2023 with my family there to support me.

Click the button below to see my first block in the BEd program!