All pictures taken by myself unless otherwise specified

On a walk with Edie Frederick for EDUC 351, we learned the names of plants in Dakelh. She also harvested some Devils Club and showed us how it could be eaten.
Axolotls at Exploration Place. When I saw then I remembered a moment when I was observing in a class that had just went the day before, all the kids couldn’t stop talking about how cool they are. I have to agree.
A set from the Spirit Bear film at Exploration Place. I had never heard of Spirit Bear before and it became a big topic in class after this trip.
Also in the Spirit Bear exhibit. Each of these had a nice message written by someone, or just cute designs. It was really lovely to see.
Guest speaker Shana Labatch came and spoke in our 2nd language class where we learned Dakelh and about teaching 2nd languages. She used this quilt as a metaphor, showed us artifacts and told us many wisdoms. It was an experience that grounded me.
Cards I made for a 2nd language Dakelh activity. These have generic numbers in Dakelh (there are different numbers depending on what you are talking about in Dakelh) 1-14. In class we played Go Fish where we asked for cards and handed to them to each other all while using Dakelh words and phrases.
This poster was for a design a field trip assignment in EDUC 401: Career Education. It was designed for Grade 2/3 students to learn about postal workers in the community and mail their own letters to understand the timeline of mailing letters.
1 of 2 pieces made for my Positionality Project for EDUC 402 Diverse Classrooms. Each place is somewhere important to where I and my family cam from and that students have identified with me because of, or because I can tell stories I’ve been told about these places to them.
2 of 2 of my Positionality Project. All of these words and phrases are important to my practice. They are things that stuck with me, ones to remember, things to try, or to embody. Each one is something that I believe will lead to me being the best reacher I can be.