All pictures taken by myself unless otherwise specified.

Block 1 and 5 during Orientation. This day marked 1 year in the program and the start of Block 5. Taken from UNBCEd X page.
Last first day of school as a university undergraduate student!
Image of the pages at my groups station at Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park, a Flora and fauna scavenger hunt. I made these for our station and used dry erase markers to mark off when each item was seen.
Team Purple for Orientation Day 2 taken from UNBCEd Instagram page
Purple Team in action at Orientation. From UNBCEd Instagram page
This cardigan was my project for EDUC 446. It is made out of two crochet granny “hexagons” (commonly called granny hexagons though this design has 6 sides). The side on the left of this image is the colours commonly used by Indigenous people around current day Central and Northern BC for painting, the side of the right is the “modern colours.” Black is a tying colour and charcoal, also usually accompanies other colours in Indigenous art. Red is for Red dress day, orange for Every Child Matters and Yellow from the Medicine Wheel. I made it during my 2nd practicum and during Block 4.
Peer assessing each other’s websites. From UNBCEd X page.
Participating in a “Fishbowl Discussion.” The inner circle of 8 people talks to each other while the rest listen and tap in so those who spoke in the middle can listen. From UNBCEd X page.
Participating in peers research around sit spots. I was in the back circle. Image taken from UNBCEd X page.
Back by the trees I am sitting in a sit spot. It was a grounding experience. Taken from UNBCEd Instagram page.
On a walk in Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park as part of our Mental Health and Wellness course.
Yoga in the Bandshell at Lheidle T’enneh Memorial Park on a cold September morning for the mental health and wellness course.
Myself and two classmates listening to our pre-canoe talk on how to hold our oars. Photo taken by classmate Talia. This was on all day excursion to West Lake (the best few photos are from the same day).
My group out on the water canning for our Health and Wellness course. Photo by classmate Talia.
My group collaboratively building fire at West Lake.
Sparks flying! This is my classmate trying to start our fire. While we were not able to start a fire using flint, my group came close and we heard how to do it in the future.