All photos taken by me unless otherwise specified.

Art and Healing for EDUC 446, made in a groups
Playing Waltes in Fine Arts, which we learned from Sylvia Paul
Collaborating with classmates Lia as we play a math card game when Laurie Todd and Jen Dionne came to our class (taken from UNBC Ed X page)
Teaching in-situ at Harwin Elementary. Me and classmate Ariel chose to co-teach. This is us on Western Day as we teach Art. Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page
In-Situ at Harwin on our last day, discussing summative assessments. Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page.
The cohort group picture in-situ at Harwin on day 3 of 4.
Making bead earrings in EDUC 400, Fine Arts portion
Jelly Bean graphing, done in EDUC 391 as an example lesson
Brainstorming with classmate about ADST lesson ideas (taken by Susan Johnston)
Group Picture on Math Night at Quinson. We made math games to show parents. Taken from UNBC Ed X page.
“Norman” a Play-Doh bear made in EDUC 397, showing a way to incorporate ADST into a Language Arts writing lesson for primary grades.
Classmate Ariel and I made the game Heads Up for math night. Taken by classmate Amanda.
Joseph Jeffery in our Numeracy class showing different ways to teach math related to coding and using computers and how they organize data. Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page.
Some of class trying to organize the pieces of a colour by numbers using code. Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page.
The pieces of the colour by number using code put together, it is an image of 3 parrots, though it can be difficult to see. Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page.
Using Cuisinaire Rods in Numeracy class with classmates (Taken from UNBC Ed Instagram page)
Maori Poi Balls made in EDUC 446 with Dr. Tina Fraser.