All pictures taken by me unless otherwise specified. These pictures are mostly from our class trip to Barkerville and a place responsive day with 2 classes from an elementary school in Prince George.

Image from UNBCEd Instagram page. I am in the furthest group to the right talking about what activities we could do with a class at Mr. C. M. Blessing’s grave
These art Forget-me-Nots in Barkerville. This was a practice of a photo essay of a response to place. The flowers were all around on our trip and much of our trip had the theme of not forgetting about people’s stories along the highway to and in Barkerville.
This is my try of a shadow picture inside the Stanley Grave Yard. This was another response to place I tried on the trip.
Picture taken by classmate Talia. Pictured is me learning to gold pan from another classmate, Janae.
Picture taken by classmate Talia. This is my favourite picture of the trip. We walked on a boardwalk in the bog in Wells, guided by two educators who live in Wells. Pictured is me and classmate Isabelle.
These are charcoal drawing and tracings of local plants at Shane Lake. This was my groups activity of a place responsive activity for the field trip of 2 classes from a local elementary school. Students could use charcoal sticks or charcoal taken from the fire pits of mine and my group members.
More charcoal drawing and tracings from the same day as above.