Photos taken by me (Adrianna Ochitwa) unless otherwise specified

Block 1 and 5 all together during orientation. Taken from UNBC X page.
Talking about the history of UNBC during the orientation scavenger hunt around the school. Taken from UNBC X page
My group during Orientation Day 2 at Lheidle T’enneh Memorial Park. Taken from UNBC Instagram page.
The Blanket Exercise, picture taken from UNBC X page, Oct. 2 (EDUC 394, in collaboration with EDUC 346 and 446)
Fire Circle on Sept. 28 (EDUC 394)
Brain Hat (EDUC 390)
A NET of a cube (EDUC 390)
Paper Tower (EDUC 390)
Origami Christmas Box (EDUC 390)
My metaphor for Learning, a Starfish (EDUC 394)
Cottonwood Island Park, image taken from UNBCed Instagram Page
Image from Cottonwood Island Nature Walk
A key chain I made as part of Noelle Pepin’s presentation on Beaded Tweets, I spelt out “Family” in beads.
My worldview Map for EDUC 393. My map is of what Cottonwood Island looked like when people lived on the island, before it became a park. My Gramma lived on Cottonwood Island in the 1950s.
Image of myself on my first Observational Practicum Day (taken by my mom)
My pod on our first Observation Day at Peden Hill Elementary School. We decided to take a picture together at every school we observed at. We asked about pictures before taking them and an adult took our picture at each school.
Image of my Observation Pod outside Morfee Elementary on our class trip to Mackenzie.