My second practicum was in a Grade 4/5 class at Heather Park Elementary. I was in the English stream during this practicum. The following pictures I took on my practicum unless otherwise specified.

This image is what I called a “Matter Pyramid.” These were made over the first two Science lessons I taught, one of which was my first observed lesson of the practicum. Each side went over a phase of matter of what Matter is.
This is a “What is Matter” side of another students Matter Pyramid. I encouraged students to decorate their pyramids, especially the little figures of matter in hopes it would help make matter memorable.
As my practicum went on, I was encouraged to do writing activities that were fun and helped students practice what they had learned throughout the year. Making a roll-a-story personalized to the students, the people who work in their classroom and with settings they knew was one of these things I did.
This was one student’s roll-a-story. This particular student wrote multiple small stories instead of one long one (a lot of excitement about how different each story could be). In this one, this student added a favourite character of the class, Captain Underpants.
This picture is from the class field trip to Huble Homestead. Learning about all the animals that were kept on the homestead and interacting with chicken and bunnies was a favourite activity of many of the students that day.
Spinners I made for a probability centres activity. We talked about describing more likely, less likely, definite and impossible.
This was an activity for descriptive writing. We started with a drawing, then used descriptive language in a full sentence, then continued for a few rounds. I talked to students about how the amount of details added helped keep the drawings the same or different.
This was all the supplies for a lab on solutions and solubility. Each pair of students got 4 cups of water, a bit of dirt, salt, oil and food colouring to see which substances created solutions and which created mixtures.